Monday, October 3, 2011

Another Couple on Mission in New England!

We'd like you to meet Truitt and Sherry Eason, Texans who were our "across-the-parking-lot neighbors" in Northborough, MA, for the month of September.    Their story  written below is just another account of "ordinary people" who have committed to making themselves available to use their God-given talents, abilties, and lifelong experiences to serve as the Lord leads.   


0ur home is an RV (recreational vehicle) – a 34 ft. triple slideout motorhome with 400 square ft. Everything we own is in it and a 10x10 storage room in Temple, TX and we love it. It’s our joy to tell people that we are "living our dream."

Throughout our married life, we were involved in missions. We went on Mission trips to Mexico, New Mexico, Louisiana, Tennessee and Washington, D.C. We also served as Mission Service Corps Missionaries for about 8 years. In addition, Sherry had been a part of WMU for many years with Truitt’s full support. In planning for retirement, we knew we wanted to RV fulltime, but we also wanted to volunteer wherever the Lord might lead. Since we both had office and computer skills (Sherry was a ministry assistant for 16 years), we prayed the Lord could use us wherever we were needed. We also hoped we could be encouragers to those on the mission field.

After Truitt retired as a locomotive engineer from the BNSF Railroad in 2006, we moved into our motorhome and the adventure began. God has been faithful and provided a place for us to serve each summer since retirement. After the first two summers in Montana, we found a new direction – working with Baptist Associations. Since then, the Lord has continued to show us opportunities to work with associations in Wisconsin, Minnesota, New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Our assignments have included creating websites, brochures, flyers, videos; doing general office work; taking pictures; pulling a Block Party Trailer and keeping it stocked; driving a mission group; etc. 

Many people in churches seem to think that if you aren't a preacher, teacher, doctor, nurse, or builder, there's not much for them to do in missions.  However, the Lord has shown us over and over that whatever you can do and are willing to do, God will use.    It's truly that simple.  I Peter 4:10-11 expresses it so well,  "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.  If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.  If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.  To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever.  Amen."