Monday, February 7, 2011

From Crime to Correction to Christ

By Pastor Tony Mancuso
Hope in Jesus Ministries
Providence, Rhode Island

Three weeks before Christmas, all the men enrolled in the Learning 2 Live Initiative at the Adult Correctional Institute in Rhode Island were presented an opportunity. Each man was presented the offer of having their families cared for at Christmas with food, gifts, and the Good News of the gospel. Each man who accepted this gift experienced a renewed hope in the name of Jesus.

Each wife and mother received a personal phone call from Dawn Mancuso, wife of Pastor Tony Mancuso from Hope Baptist Church in Providence, RI. The women’s openness to talk about their circumstances was gripping. Each was touched knowing that their son, husband, or boyfriend made this effort on their behalf.

The following letter is from a man in one of the like-skills classes that Pastor Mancuso teaches. To look at the personally scripted letter, in perfect penmanship, is staggering. To read the beautifully penned words, full of emotion, is inspiring. Justin wrote this letter to you.

Brothers and Sisters,
It is with great thanks and much appreciation that I am writing to all of you this New Year. My name is Justin K. and I wanted to send a quick note to all of you to make you aware of what it means to me to be blessed through fellowship with all of you in Christ Jesus this past Christmas.

I am currently serving a four-year sentence at the ACI. My sentence is half completed. Holidays here are always a struggle, not only because of my incarceration, but basically it is because of the separation between my son and I. Liam is thirteen years old and like the way all fathers feel, he is the “apple of my eye”. We are very close. Only by the grace of God am I blessed with a very close, very supportive family. This allows Liam and I to remain in constant contact with each other.

As a man, it is very difficult knowing that his own faults and own mistakes have prevented him from being a complete father. It hurts immensely not being present to share all the feelings and events that some along with that time of year.

When Pastor Mancuso, or Tony as I know him, told me of what was being made available to my son and his mother my heart was touched in a way that made me realize what it truly means to be a Christian, the love and concern shown to my family has brought me such comfort that words will do no justice.

My mother said how refreshing it was to know that there are still people who can, without judgment, extend their hearts to a stranger. This kindness shown to Liam has been a reminder of how good God is!

Liam enjoyed his gifts very much. His mom enjoyed hers as well, and I am a man forever grateful to all of you. We all are truly blessed to know and love Jesus Christ, and I am truly blessed to be given that opportunity to learn from Pastor Tony. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news! God bless.

Yours truly,
Justin K.

Hope in Jesus Prison Ministries, in conjunction with the Providence Rescue Mission's Learning 2 Live Initiative, is excited to offer churches the opportunity to invest in the life of Justin and his fellow inmates. Learning 2 Live is a faith-based life skills course that provides 72 weeks of classroom instruction.

Each week, through the classroom and Bible study, the gospel is shared and in time men are baptized. These classes include anger management, dealing with loss and grief, addiction, godly parenting, and money management. In addition to classroom time, men and, beginning in February, women engage in daily self-study in preparation for the classroom. As you read in Justin’s letter, the family is touched by our purpose of sharing the gospel. This means our affect goes beyond the prison walls to the wives, children, and parents!

In order to provide this life-changing rehabilitative service to those who are incarcerated, sponsors are being sought. A sponsor could be an individual, a small group, a Sunday school class, a youth group, a worship team, or a church. For $115 a year a sponsor provides an inmate with a Bible, life skills curriculum materials, one hour of weekly instruction, a certificate of completion for the 12 week class and the behind-the-scenes training of instructors and administration that makes this program work. Christ is touching the lives of hundreds in the Rhode Island prison system. Hope in Jesus Prison Ministries have a waiting list for their courses! Pray that they reach their goal of enrolling at least 500 inmates this year in the Learning 2 Live Initiative.

***This article copied from the eJournal of the Baptist Convention of New England, Feb. 7, 2011.

If you would be interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Pastor Tony Mancuso at

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