Tuesday, July 26, 2011


One of the most rewarding things we're involved in this year involves chronological Bible storying with an enthusiastic group of members of Chariho Baptist Church in Bradford, Rhode Island!  On successive Wednesday evenings, we began in May with the creation story and will conclude this  36-week session in the book of Revelation  . . .the essence of God's Redemption Story from the beginning to the end of the Bible!

It's such fun!  Each week the leader quickly reviews the last week's story, then TELLS (not reads!) the story in his own words from  the chosen passage for the week.
After the story is told each week in about 3-5 minutes, we reconstruct the facts of the story and then someone in the group retells it again.  Afterwards the groups responds to such questions as "What did you learn about God from this story?" or "What did you learn about mankind in this story?"  or perhaps "With which character in the story do you most nearly identify and why?"  And then "What will I do differently as a result of having heard this story?"  Questions are varied and may lead in many directions depending on the responses of the group.  Most interesting!

Then we are challenged to retell the story each week to at least one person!  In that way we actually get to share the "sword of the Spirit" with someone.  Of course, we know that God's Word is "powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword"!  Can you just visualize how many people can be touched with the Word if each group member retells the story to just one person each week???
In fact, Sherilyn used the story of Abraham and Isaac a few days ago to illustrate God's provision and faithfulness. . . Praise the Lord!  The young man prayed to receive Christ shortly thereafter!

In the picture below,  Ben is telling the story a couple of weeks ago. .Stay tuned for more about this later!


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