Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Teen's Perspective of Missions

Our team from First Baptist Church, Longview, spent a week in August helping to lead a Vacation Bible School and revival services at Chariho Southern Baptist Church in Bradford, Rhode Island.
In the afternoons, the team traveled about thirty miles east to the South Kingstown, Rhode Island, area where they prayerwalked and distributed information  in surrounding neighborhoods.  This was to support a new church plant, The Bridge, which launched in the area last spring and ministers to area residents as well as students at the University of Rhode Island.

Faith Pendleton, an FBC Longview member, who has just completed her first semester at Texas State University at San Marcos, Texas, brought lots of youthful energy to our team! In fact, she is pictured here as we celebrated her 18th brithday while on the trip.  Following are her comments about her involvement in sharing God's love in New England:
"Going to Rhode Island this summer was the best mission trip experience I have ever had. As I prepared for the trip I thought that I was at a content point in my life with God. Little did I know all the ways he would work on my heart. Chariho Baptist Church in Bradford, RI has the desire for Christ that I strive to have in my life. To them it’s real. Nothing else in this life matters to them, except for what God’s desire is for their lives to be. The opportunity that I had to lead recreation at VBS was life altering. I saw the kids react to each other in such a Christ-like way; I saw them practice what they were learning in VBS. It made every doubt that I was struggling with about God disappear. Overall, the trip helped me more than I could ever help the people of Chariho. They taught me what true brotherly love is and to love without boundaries. I cannot wait to go back and see my New England friends next summer!"

Monday, December 19, 2011

Texas WMU Team Connects with Internationals

Well, Hello Again!

Somehow the days go so quickly that it's too easy to be remiss in communicating with you, our loyal friends and family.  We do apologize, but hopefully these next three postings will give you just a glimpse of what's been happening as we have served the Lord in New England in 2012.

The year was exciting as we've hosted a total of nine groups (including one whole family and several couples) this year who've come to serve alongside us and the churches of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and eastern Connecticut!  One of those teams was the Texas WMU group shown below who arrived in early September to minister among Muslims and Hindus in the Boston area.  The group leader was Susan Wood, a former International Mission Board missionary who has served among Muslim populations and was most helpful in helping understand the culture.

Here is Ms. Joyce Ridings' (3rd from R) account of their days in New England:   
"My heart was burdened after I read about Paul Biswas' request in the "Missions Mosaic" magazine to come to the Boston area to reach out to people of other faiths by prayer walking and helping at a Multicultural Event.
Others in our Women on Mission group at Woods Chapel Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas were interested and plans were made to go. Five from our church plus three from other churches flew to Boston knowing in our heart this is a God-inspired trip to support Paul Biswas's work among Muslims and Hindus. I was a little apprehensive; after all, I'd never even talked to someone with Muslim or Hindu beliefs! When Paul talked of his Hindu background, how he came to faith in Jesus, plus his excellent orientation for our prayer walking, I caught his enthusiasm and passion for reaching other cultures with the Gospel. We set off in pairs to prayer walk around three high-rise apartment buildings housing many Muslim families. Another day we prayer walked a town where many Hindus live and work. His goal is to plant churches in these two areas in 2012. I feel privileged to pray daily with insight for this to become reality.
Paul explained that a Multicultural Gathering is for building relationships and for friendship evangelism as people share their cultural heritage and get to know one another. Paul had invited speakers from Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Philippines, Nigeria and from our group - Texas. Some of these were Christians, some not, but the atmosphere was friendly and accepting. About 50 people were at the event, and I sat next to a delightful couple from Bangladesh. I listened to the speakers for two hours and could have listened for two more; it was so enlightening. Some who were Christians shared their faith openly and I prayed that seeds were planted that Saturday night. (We heard later that three contacted Paul to learn more about Christianity!)
Sunday morning we went back to Cambridgeport Baptist Church Baptist Church and worshiped with a dozen or so different nationalities. What a heavenly experience - to catch a glimpse of the magnitude of God's love for all peoples!   I still smile with joy when I remember all the experiences on this Boston area mission trip. Don't you know God smiles when all peoples, all languages praise and worship Him together!"

                                          Joyce Ridings with her new international friend

Monday, October 3, 2011

Another Couple on Mission in New England!

We'd like you to meet Truitt and Sherry Eason, Texans who were our "across-the-parking-lot neighbors" in Northborough, MA, for the month of September.    Their story  written below is just another account of "ordinary people" who have committed to making themselves available to use their God-given talents, abilties, and lifelong experiences to serve as the Lord leads.   


0ur home is an RV (recreational vehicle) – a 34 ft. triple slideout motorhome with 400 square ft. Everything we own is in it and a 10x10 storage room in Temple, TX and we love it. It’s our joy to tell people that we are "living our dream."

Throughout our married life, we were involved in missions. We went on Mission trips to Mexico, New Mexico, Louisiana, Tennessee and Washington, D.C. We also served as Mission Service Corps Missionaries for about 8 years. In addition, Sherry had been a part of WMU for many years with Truitt’s full support. In planning for retirement, we knew we wanted to RV fulltime, but we also wanted to volunteer wherever the Lord might lead. Since we both had office and computer skills (Sherry was a ministry assistant for 16 years), we prayed the Lord could use us wherever we were needed. We also hoped we could be encouragers to those on the mission field.

After Truitt retired as a locomotive engineer from the BNSF Railroad in 2006, we moved into our motorhome and the adventure began. God has been faithful and provided a place for us to serve each summer since retirement. After the first two summers in Montana, we found a new direction – working with Baptist Associations. Since then, the Lord has continued to show us opportunities to work with associations in Wisconsin, Minnesota, New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Our assignments have included creating websites, brochures, flyers, videos; doing general office work; taking pictures; pulling a Block Party Trailer and keeping it stocked; driving a mission group; etc. 

Many people in churches seem to think that if you aren't a preacher, teacher, doctor, nurse, or builder, there's not much for them to do in missions.  However, the Lord has shown us over and over that whatever you can do and are willing to do, God will use.    It's truly that simple.  I Peter 4:10-11 expresses it so well,  "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.  If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.  If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.  To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever.  Amen." 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Please pray for our Longview FBC team who'll be coming up in a few days (August 2-9) to assist with  a Vacation Bible School and revival services at Chariho Baptist Church in Bradford, Rhode Island.

We're also planning to help a new church plant called The Bridge in South Kingstown, Rhode Island, by distributing information about the church, helping with a survey, and engaging local residents in conversation as the opportunities arise. We pray that we will take advantage of many opportunities to share Christ.  Please pray for
                                good health
                                as we share the love of Jesus with New Englanders!

                                         Chariho Southern Baptist Church, Bradford, RI

The Chariho church is currently seeking a pastor, but is being shepherded by Dr. Rafael Hernandez, Director of Missions for the Southeastern New England Baptist Association.

Church Planter Cal Bankston, pictured here, pastors The Bridge in South Kingstown.

We depend on you to "cover" Southern Rhode Island with your prayers!

Thank you!


One of the most rewarding things we're involved in this year involves chronological Bible storying with an enthusiastic group of members of Chariho Baptist Church in Bradford, Rhode Island!  On successive Wednesday evenings, we began in May with the creation story and will conclude this  36-week session in the book of Revelation  . . .the essence of God's Redemption Story from the beginning to the end of the Bible!

It's such fun!  Each week the leader quickly reviews the last week's story, then TELLS (not reads!) the story in his own words from  the chosen passage for the week.
After the story is told each week in about 3-5 minutes, we reconstruct the facts of the story and then someone in the group retells it again.  Afterwards the groups responds to such questions as "What did you learn about God from this story?" or "What did you learn about mankind in this story?"  or perhaps "With which character in the story do you most nearly identify and why?"  And then "What will I do differently as a result of having heard this story?"  Questions are varied and may lead in many directions depending on the responses of the group.  Most interesting!

Then we are challenged to retell the story each week to at least one person!  In that way we actually get to share the "sword of the Spirit" with someone.  Of course, we know that God's Word is "powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword"!  Can you just visualize how many people can be touched with the Word if each group member retells the story to just one person each week???
In fact, Sherilyn used the story of Abraham and Isaac a few days ago to illustrate God's provision and faithfulness. . . Praise the Lord!  The young man prayed to receive Christ shortly thereafter!

In the picture below,  Ben is telling the story a couple of weeks ago. .Stay tuned for more about this later!


Monday, July 4, 2011


Since today is Independence Day in our beloved country, it just seemed that we couldn't overcome the urge to share with you, our family and friends, a bit about the  history which surrounds us as we serve as missionaries here in New England!  We hope you enjoy the narratives and pictures!  But---we warn you---there could be more coming at a later date!!!
From our study of history, we remember that it was in New England that the protests against the tyranny of England came to a head, leading to the American Revolution and our country's freedom from England.  Northborough, Massachusetts, where we are living this year, is only a few miles from Concord, Lexington, and Boston - and so was involved in revolutionary activities.
                                                                   Look at that date!
More important for us, Northborough, MA is the location of the Baptist Convention of New England!  The property includes the Convention headquarters building and the Luther Rice Homesite.  Of course, the importance of Luther Rice to Baptists and Baptist involvement in missions is inestimable!  Luther Rice was born on this homesite in 1783, the youngest boy among nine children.  Many early notables passed through Northborough and by the Rice farm: Benjamin Franklin, John Quincy Adams, and John Hancock, among others.  Particularly memorable for young Luther was the day in October, 1789, when President George Washington passed right by the farm, his coach being led by Luther's father!

Rice was responsible for the first national meeting (Philadelphia, 1814) of "The General Missionary Convention of the Baptist Denomination in United States of America, for Foreign Missions."  Because of his tireless efforts on behalf of missions, Baptists today are heavily involved in mission efforts and mission organizations.  As an outgrowth of his work with mission causes, Rice and the University Board of The General Missonary Convention founded Columbian College in Washington City (now Washington, D. C.), the first class of which convened in the fall of 1821.  Later, because of dissention, unrest, and a stark depression, the college passed from Baptist hands and in 1901 became  George Washington University.  Also as a result of hearing Rice speak later, several men in Kentucky caught a vision and founded Georgetown University in Kentucky.  Even today, the Rice legacy lives on in two institutions which bear his name:  Luther Rice University and Luther Rice Seminary.

Luther Rice believed in missions,
                                       cooperation between churches,
                                       Christian education,
                                       the authority of the Bible,
                                       the power of the Holy Spirit, and
                                       Bible preaching.
                                                     We are living upstairs in this house
We feel honored to be living in this house (c 1911) on the Rice homesite!  The residence, which sits on a hill facing Lincoln Street in Northborough, bears the marker shown above.  The Suite (1st floor) and the Apartment (2d floor) are made available for Southern Baptist missionaries who are temporarily staying in the area, pastors and others looking for permanent housing, or those serving in New England on short-term assignments. We live in the second floor apartment (which includes a loft) - compact, yet roomy.  Come visit!  We have a couple of extra beds in the loft!
                                                           The Rice Cottage
Also next door to us just a few feet away is the Rice Cottage which was the barn, probably originally used as storage for hay, equipment, etc.   It has been thoroughly renovated and converted into housing for the caretakers of the property.

OOPS!   I'm sorry, but somehow I hit the wrong button and displayed this fun photo of a member of our furry neighbor family seen just outside our dining room window!  Just decided you'd like it, too!!!

                                           Now, back to the Rice Story!!!

                                          The Rice Lodge---home to lots of mission teams!
The third building on the property is the Rice Lodge.  This building was once a blacksmith shop, built by later owners of the property.  Inside are remnants of that occupation: the old forge and the large stock apparatus which was used to suspend horses and oxen that were difficult to shoe.  The lodge building now includes a conference room, a comfortable sitting area, a full kitchen, and four dorm-style rooms.  The Lodge can accommodate approximately twenty-five people and accommodates meetings, retreats, and lodging for seminary students, mission teams, and other guests.  It's such fun to get to meet Baptists from all over the country who come to stay for a few days right across the parking lot!  Perhaps you or someone from your church would like to join us some time soon to fulfill a mission need!!!

Below are pictured two fascinating parts of the blacksmith shop (now the lodge) which have been retained:  the forge (left) and the stocks (bottom) where the sign on the wall reads:  "Horses shod in this stock at your OWN RISK"!!!

As you can see, the historic Luther Rice Homestead  and grounds are a beautiful area made possible by monies from the Southern Baptist Convention, North American Mission Board and donations from generous individuals.  However, there are always maintenance needs - preservation, updating, remodeling, etc.  In fact, right now we're looking for a team who would come up to powerwash, do small repairs, and paint the Lodge before Winter 2011 sets in!  Please let us know if you'd like to help or know someone who might like to minister in this way. . .(508) 393-4133 or sherilynbj@gmail.com. 
We are thrilled and humbled to be living on this historic Luther Rice homestead now owned by The Baptist Convention of New England and made available to so many from all over the country who come here to serve the Lord!


As a follow-up to our stories about a month ago regarding the tornadoes in central Massachusetts, we just wanted to share a bit of insight on how valuable these Southern Baptist Disaster Relief teams are in ministering to urgent needs in emergencies. 

The pictures included here were taken at Brimfield, Massachusetts, just about 35 miles west of Northborough where we are living this year.  The beautiful old church building houses the Friendship Baptist Church which became the site of a disaster relief command center immediately following the outbreak of tornadoes on June 1st.  The trailer pictured is from the New York Disaster Relief Team in partnership with Baptists in Georgia and Utah), one of many states who responded to the disasters with chain saw units, feeding units, chaplains, and other services.  These folks are already well trained and committed to their tasks and serve all over the US when needed. 

In addition to the Southern Baptist disaster relief teams serving in Massachusetts, currently we have
teams at another site in Vermont which for weeks has been responding to residents who have been  affected by the flooding of Lake Champlain.  Thousands of volunteer hours are expended in assisting during these disasters, and many of these volunteers have the opportunity to share the gospel message.  Our teams find that often these disasters "get people's attention" like nothing else and tend to make hearts receptive to the gospel.

Southern Baptist Disaster Relief teams are highly respected by the other organizations who are involved worldwide in these efforts.  In fact, we understand that Southern Baptist Disaster Relief
is the third largest provider of these services worldwide behind only the Red Cross and Salvation Army!  What an opportunity for prayer, outreach, and service!  Many thanks to dedicated these servants!  Please add them to your prayer list as our men and women respond to disasters all over the world, including the recent tornadoes in Tuscaloosa, AL, and Joplin, MO. 

The Friendship Baptist Church in Brimfield, MA, showing a disaster relief trailer. Before the storm the church was surrounded by tall trees---now snapped by the wind's fury as shown beside our parked car! 

  Southern Baptist Disaster Relief teams to the rescue!  This trailer belongs to the New York team and became a beehive of activity inside as volunteers from all over came to field requests for assistance, dispatch assessors, and then send chain saw teams to begin the clean-up.
This banner on the road in front of Friendship Baptist Church alerted bewildered passersby of this vital ministry provided by Southern Baptists.  The story of SBC Disaster Relief even made the front page in the Worcester paper! What an opportunity to share Christian witness in spiritually dark New England!  John Scoggins, the Disaster Relief White Hat for all of New England (that means he's the final go-to in this area) declares that in ordinary situations, it takes about 23 "touches" for a person to be receptive to the gospel.  In times of disaster, on the average, persons affected by the disaster become receptive after six only "touches!" WOW!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

New information on Mass. tornado damages

This morning's e-mail in-box included a message from Steve Nerger, who is BCNE State Director of Missions and is currently serving as Interim Pastor of Friendship Baptist Church in Brimfield, MA.
He shed some additional "light" on Wednesday's destruction in the Sturbridge/Brimfield area a few miles east of the West Springfield sites described in yesterday's blog posting.

Apparently there was considerable damage to the Friendship Church ---lots of trees down in the parking lot, damage to the "antique" building (which, by the way, has a wonderful church bell in the steeple that is rung by a long rope!), etc.  In the immediate area there was one person who died in the storm, many mobile homes anihilated, roofs blown off, MUCH destruction. . . .A command center has been set up at the church for directing relief efforts in the area.  Our trained SBC disaster relief people from New England and other areas are working to provide food and water for the victims as well as chain saw crews to begin the clean-up process.   Bruce James, Evangelism Director for the Baptist Convention of New England, also heads up the Disaster Relief team for the convention.

Please continue to pray for the many families who are affected by this disaster.  Pray for strength for the volunteer workers and wisdom to know how to direct the relief efforts most effectively.   Also ask the Lord to provide many opportunities in the coming days for the gospel to be shared with and received by those involved.

If we get more significant data, we'll provide updates.  In the meantime, we are so grateful to you for praying and to those who are onsite responding as needed.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Massachusetts Tornadoes June 1st

Just a quick update since many of you have asked about our safety amidst the devastating tornadoes in western Massachusetts yesterday.

WE ARE FINE!  Actually we were on our way to southern Rhode Island yesterday when the storms hit.  We only got some wind and a bit of rain here.  In fact, we didn't even know about the event until a friend from Texas called to check on us!  We are living this year in Northborough, MA, about sixty miles east of Wednesday's devastation.

After hearing today from most of our Southern Baptist pastors in the area of West Springfield that was hit hardest, it appears that all of our churches except one escaped any real damage.  So far as we know now, the only church structure sustaining any damage belongs to the Slavic Evangelical Church in West Springfield, MA.  That congregation recently purchased a large Catholic church building and the adjoining rectory, and we understand that the rectory sustained some rather minor damage.  One of our senior ladies' classes at First Baptist of Longview has for the last couple of years been connected as Prayer and Encouragement Partners with Pastor Fedor Songorov and his congregation!  Thank you, dear ladies!  Please continue to connect!

(As a "bonus note" here----If any of you dear readers of this blog (perhaps your family, your class, or your small group) would like to be connected for Prayer and Encouragement with a New England church, please let us know.  We'd be simply delighted to help you do just that!  I think you'll find that you would be richly blessed.)

Praise the Lord for his protection!  Please join us in remembering in prayer the many people affected by these storms yesterday as well as those in recent weeks.   Certainly the might and power of God in nature has been on display lately, would you agree?

We understand that our Southern Baptist Disaster Relief teams from Connecticut are already working with the local officials in Massachusetts to assist with clean-up there.  As we write this, we are also aware that other SBC disaster teams from New England are also working in northwestern Vermont where there has been extensive flooding from Lake Champlain.  Despite all of the misery that results from natural disasters, they provide a unique opportunity for ministry and sharing the gospel and the love of Jesus.  Our own dear friend and New England Mission Service Corps coordinator, John Scoggins, serves tirelessly as the "White Hat" for the entire New England Disaster Relief organization.  Thank you, thank you to our many dedicated DR volunteers!        

Monday, May 30, 2011

First Baptist Longview Connects with Massachusetts!

We are so very grateful to many members of our home church, First Baptist of Longview, Texas, who have been for several years involved in numerous ways in various missions efforts in New England. 

                                               BUSY HANDS SEW AND SEND!

A wonderful group of  "Busy Hands" ladies meet together each Friday morning to work on beautiful hand-made baby quilts and blankets, and they have sent over THREE THOUSAND of these handmade beauties to various recipients throughout the world in the last several years!  Included in those recipients are several New England churches, some of which are:  Evangelical Baptist Teaching & Worship Center in Winthrop, MA; Willimantic Baptist Church in Willimantic, CT; Pleasant Street Baptist Church in Worcester, MA; Hope in Jesus Ministries in Providence, RI;  and New Hope Community Church in Ayer, MA.   THANK YOU, BUSY HANDS! 


                                  MAY MISSION TEAM DOES FIX-UP AND PAINT-UP!

At the request of Ray Allen, Director of Missions for the Massachusetts Baptist Association and Properties Manager for the Baptist Convention of New England, seven members of FBC Longview
(pictured above) worked diligently for a week in May helping with renovation at the MBA missions house in Worcester, MA, and doing interior painting at the BCNE headquarters building. You can view some of the team in action on the FBCL Facebook page, but our camera just barely caught them at Logan Airport in Boston as they were heading back to Texas and hopefully some much-needed rest!  Team members picturedabove are (l to r) Chris Telleri, Billy Smith, Bonnie Davis, John Glasgow, Todd Davis, and Bonnie and Stan Glenn.  In this group, there were first-timers, second-timers, and third-timers on New England mission trips!! Many accomplishments and much laughter were a part of this week in Massachusetts!  This trip was all about preparing for more volunteers from all over the US who will come to New England to plant, cultivate, and harvest for the Kingdom in this spiritually dark area of our nation.

We thought you'd like to see some of our painting handwork at the BCNE below!  Nice job, huh???

Texas Couple to Serve at Maine Encampment

A few days ago, our Texas friends JR and Gloria Mathews stopped by our "summer home" in Northborough, MA, on their way to Farmington, Maine, to assist at the Baptist encampment there for the next several months.  Among their duties will be helping with camp administrative duties, serving in general maintenance, and who knows what else!!!  The Mathews served for several months in Western Massachusetts about three years ago as they worked to "cultivate the ground" for a church plant in the  Pittsfield area.  They are no strangers to mission work for they have served numerous times over the last several years in various needed areas---particularly in constructing and rehabbing properties following natural disasters. 

On their way to Maine, JR and Gloria brought a large volume of personal clothing items (caps, handmade baby blankets and quilts, etc.) which were contributed as part of a church-wide effort at the Mathews' home church, Hollybrook Baptist Church in Hawkins, Texas.  These will be distributed by Pleasant Street Baptist Church in Worcester, MA,  as needed in their many ministries to their inner city neighbors.

In the first photo below, you'll see JR and Gloria and their poodle heading to Maine from our home in Northborough!  The second photo displays the stack of items from Hollybrook being received by Kathryn Nunnelley, Mission Service Corps Church Strengthener with Pleasant Street Baptist Church.

MANY THANKS to the Texas church and to the Mathewses for meeting these needs.  May the Lord use these items to show His love to our Massachusetts brothers and sisters. . .

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Update on our trek to New England

As you can tell when you read the previous posting on this blog, that entry was written about one week ago---before we headed out on Monday!  With the devastation from tornadoes that has occurred this week precisely in the path where we've just traveled, we wanted to thank you for your prayers and give a ready testimony to God's protection.

I'm sure by now you know about the tornadoes in Alabama, North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia,etc.----some very near or exactly the location where we were just a few hours before.  We were through Tuscaloosa on Monday afternoon on our way to Gadsden, AL for the night.  Then on to Terrell, North Carolina, on Tuesday for a wonderful afternoon and evening with long-time friends---even had a leisurely, sunny boat ride and dinner on Lake Norman!  Then we began to encounter just the edge of the storms yesterday morning as we headed up I-81 in southwest Virginia , but we only had about ten minutes of rain amidst the threatening clouds and fog as we climbed up the Appalacian chain of mountains on the western side of Virginia.   Much of the rest of the day was overcast with several sunny spots, but nothing at all to worry about weatherwise.

However, during our overnight stay at the missions house here in Harrisburg, PA, the storms finally caught up with us!  We were staying in the basement bunk room. . . On the other end of the house during the early hours a window blew out and allowed lots of water into the basement, flooding two of the bedrooms and the hall at that end of the house.  This morning Ben has been helping to vacuum up the water and help "dry out" the area.

We were scheduled to head to Massachusetts today on the final day of our four-day journey to New England.  However, when we consulted the weather this morning and looked outside at the ominous skies about 8:00, all we could find on the TV was the local weathermen with all of the tornado watches and warnings in the area. . . .streets and highways flooding, schools closing, etc.  After keeping an eye on the storm's predicted path right up I-81 where we were supposedly heading to Scranton, PA, we decided to delay for a while our departure.  With further contemplation and following our God-given common sense, we have decided to just "stay put" for today since every interim location enroute to our final destination of Northborough, Massachusetts is in the path of this storm system!

The missions house here in Harrisburg is well equipped with wireless connection in their conference room, so we can easily catch up on a three-day hiatus from internet connections as well as let you hear from us to know that we are safe. . . .

In the meantime, the Lord has blessed us in other ways! Guests last night at the missions house here in Harrisburg included a couple from Virginia who are heading to Washington, VT to be the summertime caretakers for the Calef House, the missions house we know well which houses LOTS of teams from all over the country.  Also there is a team of six people (staff and lay leaders) from Faith Baptist Church in Youngsville, NC, who have been using this as their headquarters this week for their "discovery" efforts in this area of Pennsylvania.  They are investigating potential church planting sites where their church will be sending some couples who are already committed to come to this area to establish relationships and begin Bible studies as they "do life together" in a community that needs Jesus.   Their mission is to establish a  Southern Baptist church as God directs.  So this has been a wonderfully blessed "discovery time" for us as we've met more Baptist co-laborers from the eastern US as well as learned from them!

So---now you can add these new friends and their ministries to your prayer list please!  Also, we want to thank all of you for your prayers for our safety, and of course, we covet your continued prayers as we begin our work tomorrow in New England!

And we'll TRY to keep in touch much more frequently!   Remember that we'd LOVE to hear from you at any time!  Please either post a comment at the end of this message or e-mail us at sherilynbj@gmail.com.  Our "home address" for this year's New England stay is 81 Lincoln Street,
Northborough, MA 01532.   We love keeping in touch with you!

May God continue to bless and guide you!

Ben and Sherilyn


Time to Head Back to New England!

Somehow the months in Texas (and in New England as well) seem to fly by so quickly!  In just less than a week, we'll be turning our Buick Lucerne toward the northeast.  This time we're taking the southern route over the four-day trek, stopping one night near Charlotte, NC, to visit with my "growing-up next-door neighbor" and her husband!  We're so looking forward to that. . . .We'll likely be spending Wednesday night in Harrisburg, PA, where the Pennsylvania-New Jersey Baptist Association hosts wayfaring missionaries and other ministry teams in their missions house.  We've done this a couple of times before enroute north or south!

When we get to New England on Thursday evening, we'll unpack and "hit the ground running" to get ready to participate on Friday and Saturday in the Baptist Convention of New England Ministry and Multiplication Multiplier Conference, a two-day leadership development session.  Sherilyn will also be a participant on Saturday in the New England WMU Annual Meeting in Billerica, MA.  So as you can see, we're off and running as usual!

This year we'll be living in a different place than our summer home of the last four years.  The Baptist Convention of New England headquarters is located in Northborough, MA, on the homestead of Luther Rice, who is considered along with Adoniram Judson as one of the founders of the modern missions movement.  In addition to the BCNE headquarters office building, also located on the homestead  property is the Rice Lodge which was originally the family stable and blacksmith shop but now has been converted to house mission teams from all over the country who come to serve in New England.  The
original barn has been made into a very nice residence which is the current home of Matthew and Kathryn Nunnelley and their two children.  Originally from Alabama, the Nunnelleys are completing their third year as Mission Service Corps missionaries, serving as Church Strengtheners at Pleasant Street Baptist Church in Worcester, MA.  The third structure on the Luther Rice homestead is a two-story home which features a very nice downstairs suite, used for short-term visitors who come for conferences or other special occasions.  The upstairs apartment will be our home for the next six months!  It is fully furnished and even features a loft for guests!  Come see us!


Monday, February 7, 2011

From Crime to Correction to Christ

By Pastor Tony Mancuso
Hope in Jesus Ministries
Providence, Rhode Island

Three weeks before Christmas, all the men enrolled in the Learning 2 Live Initiative at the Adult Correctional Institute in Rhode Island were presented an opportunity. Each man was presented the offer of having their families cared for at Christmas with food, gifts, and the Good News of the gospel. Each man who accepted this gift experienced a renewed hope in the name of Jesus.

Each wife and mother received a personal phone call from Dawn Mancuso, wife of Pastor Tony Mancuso from Hope Baptist Church in Providence, RI. The women’s openness to talk about their circumstances was gripping. Each was touched knowing that their son, husband, or boyfriend made this effort on their behalf.

The following letter is from a man in one of the like-skills classes that Pastor Mancuso teaches. To look at the personally scripted letter, in perfect penmanship, is staggering. To read the beautifully penned words, full of emotion, is inspiring. Justin wrote this letter to you.

Brothers and Sisters,
It is with great thanks and much appreciation that I am writing to all of you this New Year. My name is Justin K. and I wanted to send a quick note to all of you to make you aware of what it means to me to be blessed through fellowship with all of you in Christ Jesus this past Christmas.

I am currently serving a four-year sentence at the ACI. My sentence is half completed. Holidays here are always a struggle, not only because of my incarceration, but basically it is because of the separation between my son and I. Liam is thirteen years old and like the way all fathers feel, he is the “apple of my eye”. We are very close. Only by the grace of God am I blessed with a very close, very supportive family. This allows Liam and I to remain in constant contact with each other.

As a man, it is very difficult knowing that his own faults and own mistakes have prevented him from being a complete father. It hurts immensely not being present to share all the feelings and events that some along with that time of year.

When Pastor Mancuso, or Tony as I know him, told me of what was being made available to my son and his mother my heart was touched in a way that made me realize what it truly means to be a Christian, the love and concern shown to my family has brought me such comfort that words will do no justice.

My mother said how refreshing it was to know that there are still people who can, without judgment, extend their hearts to a stranger. This kindness shown to Liam has been a reminder of how good God is!

Liam enjoyed his gifts very much. His mom enjoyed hers as well, and I am a man forever grateful to all of you. We all are truly blessed to know and love Jesus Christ, and I am truly blessed to be given that opportunity to learn from Pastor Tony. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news! God bless.

Yours truly,
Justin K.

Hope in Jesus Prison Ministries, in conjunction with the Providence Rescue Mission's Learning 2 Live Initiative, is excited to offer churches the opportunity to invest in the life of Justin and his fellow inmates. Learning 2 Live is a faith-based life skills course that provides 72 weeks of classroom instruction.

Each week, through the classroom and Bible study, the gospel is shared and in time men are baptized. These classes include anger management, dealing with loss and grief, addiction, godly parenting, and money management. In addition to classroom time, men and, beginning in February, women engage in daily self-study in preparation for the classroom. As you read in Justin’s letter, the family is touched by our purpose of sharing the gospel. This means our affect goes beyond the prison walls to the wives, children, and parents!

In order to provide this life-changing rehabilitative service to those who are incarcerated, sponsors are being sought. A sponsor could be an individual, a small group, a Sunday school class, a youth group, a worship team, or a church. For $115 a year a sponsor provides an inmate with a Bible, life skills curriculum materials, one hour of weekly instruction, a certificate of completion for the 12 week class and the behind-the-scenes training of instructors and administration that makes this program work. Christ is touching the lives of hundreds in the Rhode Island prison system. Hope in Jesus Prison Ministries have a waiting list for their courses! Pray that they reach their goal of enrolling at least 500 inmates this year in the Learning 2 Live Initiative.

***This article copied from the eJournal of the Baptist Convention of New England, Feb. 7, 2011.

If you would be interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Pastor Tony Mancuso at awmancuso@msn.com.

Left for Dead!

As many of you know, we have been  privileged to be closely associated with Pleasant Street Baptist Church since our first trip to New England in spring of 2007.  It's been such a joy to see how the Lord has worked in the lives of the people in this neighborhood!  Pastor Noel Williamson and his wife Shelley have been very ably assisted by North American Mission Board  Mission Service Corps Missionaries Matthew and Kathryn Nunnelly who serve there as Church Strengtheners.

We love to be involved in various ministries at Pleasant Street.

Enjoy this video made recently by the North American Mission Board!


Ministry Investment Opportunity in Old Saybrook, CT!

One of our church plants, Lighthouse Community Church in Old Saybrook, CT, is growing in number and occupying more space! Praise the Lord! Many partners have already helped by donating various items to enhance the ministry of Pastor Brendan Saunders and his wife Mary. As a result of this growth, they would love to have the following items:
Area Rug
2 coat racks
Bulletin board

Children’s Room
Table & chairs
White board
Supply cabinet
13"-21" tv with dvd player

Wall mounted diaper changing station

Partitions/Room Dividers
50" LCD tv and wall mount
25 NIV Pew Bibles
We are also looking for one more church to consider financially partnering with us at a level of $200 per month.

If you would like to invest in this ministry in some way, please contact Pastor Saunders directly at